CEHHS Educator Preparation Provider Program Receives National Recognition

by Rebekah Goode
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A CEHHS student just below the camera lens and out of focus holds up a children's book while classmates around them and Joan Grim look intently. Around the room, other student in groups talk amongst each other.

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Educator Preparation Provider program (EPP) has been recognized with the 2021 Frank Murray Leadership Recognition for Continuous Improvement from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The program, housed within the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, is one of only 26 providers from 17 states and the United Arab Emirates to receive this recognition. This distinguished acknowledgement signifies the leadership and commitment of the college to continuous improvement in the EPP program.

The recipients of the 2021 Frank Murray Leadership Recognition for Continuous Improvement are selected from the qualified EPP’s by CAEP based on the following qualifications:

  • were granted accreditation by CAEP at the initial level from the previous year
  • who provided a full complement of evidence with demonstrated data trends and no plans
  • recipients had no stipulations or areas for improvement
  • providers selected for recognition advance equity and excellence in educator preparation through purposeful use of self-study procedures and evidence-based reporting that assure quality and support continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 learning
  • have a mission driving their continuous improvement inquiry
  • use assessments that are relevant to the topic being informed and consequential
  • show the reliability and validity of the evidence provided for accreditation
  • have quality assurance capacities that inform their knowledge
  • address questions about relationships in the data

The Frank Murray Leadership Recognition for Continuous Improvement is named after the founding President of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council. He was a key advocate for a single set of teacher preparation standards to unify the profession